Friday, 27 July 2012

FSB Networking Lunch 27.7.12

On Friday 27thJuly the WL Branch of the FSB held our monthly Lunch at Ashoka Shak, McArther Glen where once again Gaurav hosted us superbly and fed and watered us with the help of his excellent staff. 15 of our members gathered to talk through the merits of social networking using smart phone apps for all the popular platforms including Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. One of the benefits of these apps is the ability to network when sitting in front of the TV allowing even the men to multi task. We were pleased to welcome

Kerry Stein,Photographer –

Steven BurrowsIT –

Darren and Julie –

Ian Pritchard –

Micky Cooper –

Andy Hutton –

Craig Scott –

Jack Marshall –

Plus Aiden, Drummond, Ron, Tam and me from the FSBcommittee

Plus Gaurav who joined for lunch.

This lunch is a great way to meet new business ownersin West Lothian who collectively have a wealth of information and experience toshare. Watch out for the August Lunch and please feel free to join us.

Best regards.


Sunday, 1 July 2012


The FSB networking lunch held in Ashoka shak on 29 June was yet another fabulous event. 15 of us broke bread under Gaurav's famed hospitality. The fine Indian cuisine helped to get the tongues wagging and tales were told of renewable energy, smart local vouchers and sharp photography. The FSB is the leading Business organization in West Lothian although our networking events are open to all. If you would like to join in please let me know and I'll book you in for next months event.
Happy business
Before you build it...plan-It.